Tuesday 5 August 2008

Cat Sex Part 3

Yes it's the third exciting installment in the ongoing cat sex saga and they've multiplied into not just one sex crazed beast but one sex crazed beast and four more in training. We probably shouldn't have but they've all got names: from left to right, lardy, fluffy, speedy and mutant (no one can say we're not imaginative, though I worry for mutant as a teenager).

Fluffy's just like her mother, in the sense of them both sitting like cats.

Awwww, no they couldn't possibly turn into foul smelling, flea ridden sex fiends. Not possible!

The arse that launched a thousand ships (and might launch a few more as Tommy the butt-ugly tomcat is back and eyes are being made through the window).


Kitty Lalonde said...

I'd like to go into detail on the names, originally I had called them bastard, fuckface, twat and Mutant. But Tie renamed them, I still maintain that fluffy is Fuckface.

Mutant is called mutant because he has weird feet and a very round alien head with googly eyes.

I only like speedy on the grounds it seems to like me although I have a sneaking suspiscion Tie is going to make us keep all of them.

Tiernan Serpentine said...

I do seem to recall a conversation last night where Kitty said, and I paraphrase, "Oh, we have to keep them all, don't we? They're just too adorable!"

Kitty Lalonde said...

Was that the same night I moved over here from Chicago?

Tiernan Serpentine said...

Do they especially like cats in Chicago then?

Kitty Lalonde said...

Don't be obtuse

WillowC said...



*stops shrieking*

Kitty Lalonde said...

*pops them in the mail to Willow*

Rosie said...

Awww so cute the lil one follow the arse that launched and whatnot <333333 Kitties!

Unknown said...

They are SOOOOOOOOOOO cute!! I haz a black cat. He doesn't look good in pics. -.-