These are all the things you will require, obviously you don't need to get them from Morrisons, I do because I live in a morrisons but that's beside the point. I also missed out butter from the picture but nevermind.
You need:
- Mince
- Bacon
- Olive Oil
- Cheese
- Mushrooms
- Lasagne sheets
- Garlic
- A tin of chopped tomatoes
- Onion
- Milk
- Butter
- Tomato Puree (also not pictured)
- Oregano
- Basil
Chop everything up that needs chopping and fling the mince, garlic and onion into some sort of large pan thing (much like my Tefal wok type thing which is my reason for cooking). When the mince is brown throw in the bacon and mushroom (and sweetcorn if you have it). This will then cook quite cheerfully while you plurk, masturbate etc.

You can now leave the whole lot to simmer/burn for a bit while you make the cheese sauce.
Mix together some amount of flour and butter in a pan til it looks like this

Then you add some milk so it looks like this.

If you're alone or lazy get one of them blendery things and mangle the sauce til there are no lumpy bits.
Then you can add cheese. Or not, you don't have to add cheese, it's prolly healthier without but I love cheese so nyer.

Once all this is done you can make it up in a casserole dish, bolognaise sauce first then the white/cheese sauce, then a layer of lasagne sheets. Rinse repeat until you run out of bolognaise then on the final layer of lasagne sheets you just slop some white sauce over it and grate some cheese (more cheese YAY!)
Put all this in the oven and ignore it for about 30 - 40 minutes or until some bugger pesters you for food.

Fish pie next time (maybe)